Friday, July 27, 2012

She Became More Than a Possibility.

One year ago today Colin and I discovered that we were having Olive. 

Of course, at that time we didn't know it was Olive. We had no idea who she was. We frequently now talk about how it was her who was in there this whole time and how crazy that is. How grateful we are that those two particular parts of of us met and it could only have resulted in her. Beautiful, sweet her. She was already growing inside of me on that day, July 27th 2011. It was a Wednesday and we were sitting at Youth Group Bible Study watching a video. I whispered to Colin to give me his itouch. I had gasped and realized that something had been missing that month... hahaha. 

I smile thinking of it now, how I raced home, skipping the FroYo with the rest of the youth group and leaders, and went to CVS. As I was waiting in line with my little three pack of pregnancy tests, an older woman in front of me told me she hoped for my sake that the test came back negative... "I have three of my own," she said bitterly. I couldn't believe it. All I could muster was that if I was pregnant it would be a blessing and a gift. 

And as Colin and I sat together on our bathroom floor, staring at the dark line that had appeared on the stick, we stared, laughed, cried, and prayed for health for our baby. I was scared. We were in shock. I didn't feel pregnant yet. The crippling tiredness and sickness would surely come within days (on our anniversary trip to DC!), and with that, growing joy.

So very pregnant. hahaha. 

God's timing is perfect. 

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

A Day of Firsts.

It's been a month since I've last updated this blog. In the world of a baby, a month can developmentally seem like an entire year!

Olive is almost four months old now and it is amazing how much she's grown and learned. It's crazy to look back at her newborn photos and think that this is the same baby! She's full of personality and so, so happy. She loves to grab for things now, and everything that she touches goes into her mouth. Big girl is wearing 6-9 month clothes already! 


This little girl had a busy day today, too! Colin worked from home, so Olive helped out with some of his sales calls:

You know you love the cloth diaper clothes line...

And, for the first time, Olive rolled herself onto her side! She had shown no interest in doing so up until today. Being the determined little girl that she is, she couldn't stop there. She decided to roll all the way over onto her tummy, too! 

On her side...
Now she loves playing on her side!

And, best of all, tonight Colin and I got our first belly laughs out of our little girl. We've gotten chuckles here and there, but tonight, while enjoying one of our favorite treats (Mochi ice cream!), we gave Olive a tiny taste (as is custom) and this is what happened.


Olive is clearly our daughter... nothing has delighted her more than food up to this point in time :) Although, it does seem that she is laughing more at our laughter (mostly her dad's, no surprise) than the mochi. 

It's incredible to me how the tiniest efforts and acquired skills can delight the heart so much. I mean, we find ourselves absolutely ecstatic over hands that can now grab for things that interest, smiles, eyes that can scan a room, and arms that push up off the ground. To a fully competent adult, these shouldn't be such a big deal. But they are. Her laughter brought a lump to my throat and tears to my eyes. It is so pure and full of genuine and unadulterated joy. 

Grace and peace!