Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Stand by me.

since I'm supposed to be writing a paper right now that's due tonight, I will make this brief, very brief. I watched this video on one of my (many) study breaks tonight and it made both my heart and I smile. so here you are, let your day be brightened!

Stand by Me from theRedPillRadio on Vimeo.

grace and peace,
the wife.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Return the Sugar

Colin here...

Aaron Weiss is a poet. His medium is music. His music has changed my life.

He's like a prophet. He's even got the garb and personality to go with the job. With cutting cultural, personal, and spiritual insight, he blasts himself and all who ignore and dishonor God.

The first time I ever heard mewithoutYou, I cringed. Their earlier stuff is called "spoken word." The vocalist simply speaks, screams, or whispers the words. mewithoutYou is set to a solid and rocking band with tight drum and bass, piercing guitar melodies, and and overall dirty sound.

Strangely, I've come to love the amelodic ranting about God, faith, love, sin, depravity, and suffering. Sometimes the truth of it reaches into my chest and shakes the cobwebs off.

These honest and real-life confessions have been formative in the past few years for both Rachel and myself, so I thought I'd share some of Aaron's genius. As you listen, be prepared to maybe not like the music...just focus on the words. I have a selection from the end of the song posted below.

(here he is talking about being enthroned on human praise...)

"...And the misguided insects crown me their grasshopper king with a dance of celebration.

After years with a crown on my head, I've grown overfed, unconcerned and comfortably numb.
Kept busy indulging in the pleasures of the wealthy.

O someone make me afraid of what I’ve become!

At the first sign of possible sorrow, I turned my heels and ran.
Oh, I’ll never learn.

My life is a cup of sugar I’ve borrowed before time began and forgot to return."

-January 1979, Catch For Us The Foxes, mewithoutYou

Every once in a while I'll post a mewithoutYou lyric for reflection, hope you'll join in with me. Look the song up as well, so you can hear the intensity and passion with which it is sung.

O that God would shake us awake from the unconcerned, comfortably numb life we tend to seek after and even slip into, and instead enliven us unto returning our lives to Him who has given us breath. amen

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

First, one

When considering blogging, one should consider the masses that have perilously traveled before them unto their own demise. Vacant URLs crowd the internet with what could have been an interesting blog about how your dog Rufus is doing.

A verse comes to mind.

"Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few." Matthew 7:13-14

I am considering how I might heed Jesus' warning (above) about frequently traveled highways and wide, easy gates. I'm banking on a different reading of this text, my own destruction pending :) Nevertheless, my lovely wife and I will attempt to enter through the narrow gate in blogging, as some have done before. Travel wisely, pilgrims, and pack lightly.

My wife Rachel came up with the idea to start a blog to inform family and friends (and arch-nemeses?) of what we're doing and thinking, mainly because we know we're cool and wanted to inform everyone. I jest. We would cherish your interest and comments on our random postings and simply your general sharing life together with us.

I (Colin speaking) will most likely post thoughts of the Bible, cultural critique, music, and my endeavors in following the Christ.

Alas it is late and I must retire. Grace and Peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

here I sit, I can do no other.