1. Mindy Gledhill. I've loved her since the first time I heard her on nienie's video blog. her music is just...flowy and sing-songy.
2. teaching and being involved in youth group. I love the people i work with, and i love the girls! teaching has been really good for my heart and relationship with the Lord. it drives me harder to pull application from the passage and mull it over in my heart as i go through the week. challenging, for sure.
3. also, my google reader was blown up with quilts today. it made me want one. i don't think i have the patience (or talent) to actually make one, but if someone wanted to gift me this one i would be quite alright with that :)
4. His House. I have blogged about this before, but i love His House! today I went thrifting (honestly completely for my sanity's sake rather than any desire to shop) and left with 4 skirts and a blouse for $5. I love that some elements of 80's fashion have come back in style-- high waisted skirts, bold patterns... this is good, because all His House has in the way of clothing is from the 80's and 90's. most of it is horrendous, of course, but oh, the thrill of the hunt.
5. and... fires! with friends! it's that time again and it makes us so happy. i don't think we ever laugh as hard as when we're sitting around the fire.
1. being far away from some of my favorite people in the world.

we love you guys! grace and peace,
the wife.
5. and... fires! with friends! it's that time again and it makes us so happy. i don't think we ever laugh as hard as when we're sitting around the fire.
1. being far away from some of my favorite people in the world.
we love you guys! grace and peace,
the wife.