Apologies to the 45 subscribers that we do have (ha!).
The past two months just got so crazy and busy that blogging was obviously something that had to be cut out.
But amidst a lot of work, celebrating birthdays, anniversaries, family vacations, friend visits and other things, we're back and will hopefully be updating more!
I'll leave you with a picture.
Colin and I were able to spend our 2nd wedding anniversary in DC, as you know, which was a lot of fun! On Saturday night we went to go see FC Barcelona (Go, Barca!) play Manchester United. It was stressful getting there-- between being pressed up against random, sweaty strangers in the metro for 30 minutes (like sardines. up close and personal.) on the way there to having to run the mile (in 100+ degree heat, UPHILL.) from the station to the field, only to miss the kick-off... but we made it. It was a blast! Barcelona, sadly, got taken to school by Man U but we really enjoyed ourselves. It's such a blessing to be able to have awesome life experiences with Colin. When we get to take interest in something together... I love it.
Love you guys!
Welcome back! :)