2. speaking of spices, indian grocery stores. go to them. first off, everything ethnic that you buy at publix or elsewhere is wayyyy overpriced. you can get a 10 lb. bag of basmati rice for $14 at the indian grocer. at publix it's something like $40, not even kidding. they have bags of spices that will last you years, and they're authentic. not any of that mccormick's curry powder crap.
3. speaking of cooking, i wish that i could have an herb garden SO badly. we get no sun in our yard and have really rocky, rooty soil. i can't count the amount of money i've spent on bundles of cilantro and basil at the grocery store, or the number of times i've come crawling to Caroline's front door asking for some fresh herbs. ridiculous. i can't use dried basil after knowing how wonderful it tastes fresh. if i had potted herbs, i would make these. how clever!

4. i was totally annoyed yesterday by how poorly shaped my eyebrows are, also. i know that sounds petty, but i love when people have pretty eyebrows and i've always hated mine. i decided to grow mine out (so when you see me looking like a cave woman, move along), and then i'm going to get them threaded. apparently it's the best way to get a well-defined arch, more painless than waxing, and doesn't leave those annoying little bumps. if anyone knows of someone good in the Columbia area, please let me know!
grace and peace,
the wife.
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