When the cares of my heart are many, Your consolations cheer my soul. Ps 94
1. Now is when it counts. We will continue to confess God as our Provider and place our situation in His capable hands, because He is faithful and good, even/especially in times of need. Yesterday, literally hours before a lot of things fell through, Colin and I were riding in the car together, and I told him I believed that, although we have been abundantly blessed in the past few months, we would still trust our God, even if and when we weren't in a time of financial stability. That He has strengthened us and been faithful to us and shown Himself trustworthy so well that we should never doubt. So we continue to place our lives in His capable hands. We relish the opportunity to learn more and more what true reliance is. Thank you, Jesus.
2. I went with the nude shoes, by the way. thank you, all!
3. We had the privilege of spending our first anniversary at our friends Patrick and Dayna's wedding. Seriously, what an awesome way to spend your anniversary... celebrating the joy of marriage! It was such a fun wedding, too. We are overjoyed for them both. Tonight, though, we are going to go out and have an anniversary date, compliments of Mama Fien, and enjoy Colin's new-found freedom from waking up at 5 am. We get to stay out late! This morning we actually got to wake up together, too! So, as per usual, we are hitting up MVista for our favorite sushi and drinks. Thanks, Mom!
4. By the way, what is everyone's take on sushi in Columbia? I know that everyone has their favorite. Colin and I have been to most places, but haven't found anything better than Miyo's. We've heard that Camon is supposed to be the best sushi in town, but we're scared to stray and be disappointed because of how expensive it is there. Anyone have any opinions?
5. Yesterday Colin got off work early so we ran errands together in the afternoon. He went thrifting with me, we took care of some stuff that needed to be done, and then we made the mistake of going to World Market. uuuuuggghhhhhh. we wanted coasters. that's it, plain and simple. we walked out with a hanging lantern, ceramic furniture knobs for the dresser i'm going to refinish, and coasters. that place is torture. pure torture. On the topic of thrifting, though, I love sifting through the boxes of books at His House. I always leave with at least a few books and they give them to you for about .25 cents. yesterday I picked up some Shakespeare and The Runaway Bunny. anyone read that as a child? I loved it.
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