1. I've been looking at this picture all week-- I can't remember exactly where I saw it first to credit-- and it makes me so, so happy. The colors, the lighting, the patterns and textures... It's just good.
2. On Wednesday I leave for beautiful California with Cait and Swhite! Since Cait left all of her stuff out there in LA after graduation, including her car, she absolutely needed us ;) to fly out there with her and then drive it all back to the East Coast. Cross-country trip, anyone? I am way excited to spend so much time with my best friends on a welcomed adventure, and to get to meet all of Cait's college friends and see her life for the past four years! I'll try and be good about taking pictures to share when we get back. I will also try and coerce Colin into blogging a little while I'm gone!
3. Also, I think that you should check out Laura Marling. She's been an accomplished artist for years now, and is still only 20 years old! Her sound is simple and beautiful. Her boyfriend isn't too bad either (Marcus Mumford of Mumford & Sons)!
4. The other day was a really awesome thrifting day-- took a short break in between work and a meeting to go to His House with Katie, and it was so fun! Here are some of my finds...

This blazer ($1)! I have been on the hunt for a good tweed blazer and look every time I go thrifting, and I finally found one! I wore it today to church and love it. This is the sign of a trusting friendship-- there was no mirror in the store, so I just put it on and asked Katie yes or no. It was a yes!

And lastly, these belts ($1 each)! I have so many dresses and tops that need to be belted, which has become my favorite thing to do, and these do the trick. They're in fun colors with gaudy buckles, and I love them!
Not pictured is my awesome pampered chef stoneware baking pan ($1). When I got home I checked online and saw that they retail for about $65 on Amazon.com.... wow. Find of the day, for sure! I can't wait to make apple crisp in my new pan! Thrifting is my favorite hobby. It provides hours of relaxation at a very, very low cost, offers me a chance to be a little creative with my dress, and it helps feed my desires to nest/decorate.
Enjoy the rest of your Sunday!