Hello, friends! I figured I should go ahead and get on track with a weekly-type pregnancy update. So, here's week 13!
1. First things first... belly. In a given day, my little belly can go from looking like this...

to looking like this...

Both were taken today. The first picture still shows the lovely thickening of my waist-line and the beginnings of a lovely little protrusion, but by the end of the day I always have a bloaty, rounder belly. Hopefully soon it becomes more permanent... I love rubbing my little bloat!
2. Food has begun to be appealing again! Whereas before I struggled to find anything... ANYTHING that sounded tasty, I'd say most things that I liked before sound yummy again. My favorite snack lately has been bread with peanut butter and sliced up bananas on it, then toasted... oh my. I also haven't thrown up since last week, which is wonderful!
3. Started getting some pretty gnarly headaches in the past couple of weeks as well. I've been trying to drink more water and make sure I'm getting enough sleep, so we'll see if that helps.
4. Little baby is the size of a peach and growing, growing, growing! Little one already has fingerprints... How amazing is that?
If there's anything in particular ya'll would like me to write about or talk about throughout the pregnancy, please let me know! I'll probably do some product reviews for the tummy products and skincare things I'm using, as well as these little updates.
grace and peace!