a few things to sum up a great weekend.
i value friendships like the ones i have with these girls. everyone talks about those certain, few and far between friendships that are able to consistently pick up where they left off, no matter how much time has lapsed. i am so thankful to say i have that in these girls! the same memories are still dear and funny, the same jokes, everything. it's a bond.
i love that Caitlyn knew me both before and after i knew the Lord. she was sitting in the pew a few seats down from me praying along with the other girls i had befriended that summer that my heart would be moved. it was. i love that we left college closer than we were before it had started, even though we were all the way across the country from each other. i love that Swhite is the reason that i even heard about CIU. i love that she used to see me freshman year in earth science class and secretly think to herself that i was a huge skank (little did we know that this 'skank' and ROTC girl would soon be each others' life lines later on in high school..). God is funny.
i can truly say that i hold my friendships to a higher standard because of these girls.
thank you for braving mountain passes and the most humid weather you've ever experienced to come visit us in our little trailer. 'Abby' misses you already!
abby misses me more! hehe. rach, thank you again soo much for having us, i keep wishing i was still sitting on your couch laughing with you and cait and having the time of our lives just being together :) love you. -swhite